Hello everyone today's topic is very close to my heart and lots of things which I have achieved have been accomplished only by the topic which I will be sharing in this post REGULARITY - first of all it's very important to give a proper dedicated time for this. You cant do this stuff in 5 or 10 mins. you can do jogging in 5 or 10 mins but through that, the core and the body structure will not have any impact. One should at least give 30 to 1 hour for jogging and that too should be regular. If you are regular enough then 20 mins will also work for you STRENGTH TRAINING - In the start, you need to give more time for jogging, and slowly as you continue for a longer period of time you can cut down the time and focus on strength training SLOW JOG - The most important skill one should follow is to jog as slowly as he/she can. The main aim while jogging is not to do in speed or to just run. The main focus while doing jogging is to jump more and go les...
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