Skipping is very important in table tennis as it's the most integral part.
below I am mentioning the step-by-step importance of skipping.
1. LEG GAME: More or less you believe it or not table tennis is a leg game, not a hand game.
The very initial stage of the game starts with the hand and slowly and steadily as our body adopts the game, our legs come more and more into the picture.
2. MAKING THE LEGS LIGHT: Skipping makes the legs very light which helps a player to move more quickly in the game. Light legs help the body to reach near the body effectively and eventually support our body to play the strokes effectively,
3. LEG MUSCLES: Skipping helps the leg muscles to grow so that the legs don't get fatigued during the play.
4. JUMP: Every ball in the game is hit after a jump. A Jump in the game involves 3 important aspects
Back throw - point of contact and follow-through. every game covers these 3 aspects same is with table tennis.
5. SHOT FROM GROUND: Every shot which is played is played from the ground how good your leg muscles are trained the more effective your shots will be.
6. WEIGHT TRANSFER: Weight transfer is involved in which your body weight is transferred from one leg to another which comes from the lower body. A good lower body can increase a good weight transfer. a good weight transfer has a great impact on the shots.
7. QUCIK: Table tennis is one of the fastest games in the world. A player is not aware of where the next ball can come skipping helps to be quicker in the game to reach the ball.
8. READY: A good shot in the game needs you to be so ready. So that, as the balls come, you are ready enough to hit the ball effectively, A continuous jump in the game makes you ready for the next ball which is developed by skipping
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